Pierre Wolinski

Photo Pierre Wolinski

Since October 2023, I am a post-doctoral researcher in the Probability and Statistics team, Institut de Mathématiques d'Orsay, Université Paris-Saclay (France). My supervisors are Gilles Blanchard and Christophe Giraud.

I completed my PhD in Machine Learning in March 2020, supervised by Guillaume Charpiat and Yann Ollivier, at the TAU team, LRI.
Here is my CV: [eng].

Thesis: Structural Learning of Neural Networks [PDF file] [link].
Defense carried out on March 6th, 2020.



Curriculum Vitae


2023 - now: post-doctoral researcher in the Probability and Statistics team, Paris-Saclay University, France (supervised by Gilles Blanchard and Christophe Giraud).

2021 - 2023: post-doctoral researcher in the Statify team, Inria Grenoble-Alpes, France (supervised by Julyan Arbel).

2020 - 2021: post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, UK (supervised by Judith Rousseau).


2020: PhD in Computer Science, Paris-Saclay University.

2017: Graduate degree in Mathematics (minor in Physics) at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris).

2016: Master degree in Mathematics (Probability and Statistics), Paris-Sud University.


2016 - 2020: PhD student in Computer Science at the TAO/Tau team, LRI, Paris-Sud University/Inria Saclay, France (supervised by Guillaume Charpiat and Yann Ollivier).

2011 - 2016: Math student at the École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.

2008 - 2011: Physics/Chemistry student in "classe préparatoire".

Various links